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Lidl upgrades air systems in stores to fight COVID


To enhance COVID-19 protection inside its stores, Lidl US said it will be installing new air filtration systems rated MERV 13 or higher in all of its more than 110 stores across nine east coast states. The air systems are typically associated with what’s run in hospitals.

The retailer said it is following guidelines recently issued by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) that states the COVID-19 virus can be spread through the air and added that it is one of the first national grocers to install a hospital-grade air filtration system across its network.

“Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have worked diligently to protect the health of everyone in our stores by meeting or exceeding CDC guidelines and this measure to create cleaner, healthier air is no different,” said Johannes Fieber, CEO of Lidl US. “Customers and team members in Lidl stores can breathe easier knowing we have an added layer of protection against COVID-19.”

Stores previously used an advanced commercially rated MERV filtration system and Lidl said epidemiologists and professional associations have recommended using high-efficiency air filters MERV 13 or higher wherever technically feasible to trap small airborne particles that can transmit the virus.

The upgraded air systems will work alongside other safety measure such as wearing masks, and following sanitation and social distancing guidelines. As part of its response to COVID-19, Lidl was one of the first retailers to insure the more than 1,000 temporary workers it hired during the peak time period of the pandemic.


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